Cathy was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario but spent her summers in Carmanville, Newfoundland at her family’s summer home. She attended the University of Western Ontario and Niagara University earning a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature and a Masters of Science in Education and is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. Cathy is currently finishing her Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology. As an educator, Cathy spent a number of years as a high school English teacher in Scarborough, but moved to Kanata in 1994 and continued to teach English at Sir Guy Carleton SS, Sir Robert Borden SS, A.Y. Jackson SS and West Carleton SS.

Having four children encouraged Cathy to become involved in school councils, becoming Chair of the Kanata Inter-School Council that connected all of Kanata’s school councils. In 2006, Cathy ran for OCDSB School Board Trustee, serving for six years and becoming OCDSB Chair in 2011. Since 2016, Cathy has been a member of the Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre Board, the CHEO Board, the Ronald McDonald House Board, and Chair of the Ontario Center of Excellence for Children and Youth Mental Health Strategic Advisory Committee. She has served on the Ottawa Community Foundation’s Grants’ Committee, the Caldwell Family Centre Board, and the Ottawa Fusion Volleyball Board.
As your current City Councillor, Cathy has been a member of the City’s Planning Committee, Transit Commission, Finance and Economic Development Committee, and Information Technology Sub Committee. Cathy also was appointed to the Ottawa Police Services Board and the Hydro Ottawa Board.
In her spare time, Cathy plays the piano and the guitar, and plays French Horn in the Concert Band of Kanata.